Monday, October 22, 2007

Linux Clusters

On friday I had talk about Linux Clustering in a Red Hat environment. I've never been in touch with a Linux Cluster. In the past I read something about HA-clusters using "hearthbeat" but there my experience with clusters stop. So wondering about this Clustering I looked up some info on the Red Hat site and where found they have a Cluster Suite in the Red Hat Enterprise 5. Which uses Global Filesystem (GFS) , GFS provides shared filesystem. However "GFS differs from distributed file systems (such as AFS, Coda, or InterMezzo) because it allows all nodes to have direct concurrent access to the same shared block storage" (From Wikipedia ) . Then There's the Cluster suite. There's so much to read about this so I'll just put in some links here that'll take you to the stuff ;)

Red Hat Cluster Suite : Configuring and Managing a Cluster

Red Hat GFS 6.1 : Administrator's Guide

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