Monday, January 09, 2006

Apache iBatis

I found Apache Ibatis today wich seems very usefull. see for details in short it's a framework wich maps SQL
results to Java classes. Configuration and query defenitions are done in
XML files thus enabling you to change queries without recompiling your
java appilication as you would have to do if you're using plain old
style JDBC

check it out

First steps with Apache Struts

Here I am for another update of my blog ;)

This weekend i played around with Apache struts wich seems very powerfull. I also read something interesting about Apache iBatis aframewrok for mapping SQLColumns to JavaObjects.

Since I'm studying at the university after my workhours (wich is quiet hard 8:30-18:00 working then 18:30-21:30 university) where I have a Java course all this helps me to have a larger view about java. Also at work I've created my forst Java servlets for data inquery of ourcustomer information.

My age of reinventing the wheel (as i did a lot of times in the past) is gone it's time to use the tools provides by the OS-community.

One big thanks to this fantastic community.