Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gnome 2.24 on Slackware 12.1

Currently downloading GSlacky 2.24, then I'll have a look at the new Gnome 2.24.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Nagiosgraph extra mappings for NSClient++ and NetBackup

In order to get more out of our Nagios, I installed nagiosgraph to create graphs of our service states. The only problem was it didn't generate graphics for the NSC++ client data. So I had to create some mapping for that data, so here's the mapping

# Service type: CPU LOAD
# output: CPU Load 2% (5 min average) 3% (15 min average) 2% (59 min average)
/output:.*CPU Load ([.0-9]+)% \([^\)]+\) ([.0-9]+)% \([^\)]+\) ([.0-9]+)%/
and push @s, [ load,
[ avg1min, GAUGE, $1 ],
[ avg5min, GAUGE, $2 ],
[ avg15min, GAUGE, $3 ] ];

# Service type: single disk CHECK_NT command
# output:e:\ - total: 557.75 Gb - used: 405.85 Gb (73%) - free 151.89 Gb (27%) | 'e:\ Used Space'=405.85Gb;278.87;501.97;0.00;557.75
# perfdata:'l:\ Used Space'=1.38Gb;8.00;9.00;0.00;10.00
# Perfdata order => Used space; warning free; Critical free; unknown; total space
/perfdata:'([^ ]+) Used Space'=(\d+\.\d+).*(\d+\.\d+);(\d+\.\d+);(\d+\.\d+);(\d+\.\d+)/
and push @s, [ diskuse,
[ bytesused, GAUGE,$2 ],
[ bytesmax, GAUGE, $6 ],
[ pctfree, GAUGE, $5 ] ];

# Service type: Scartch tapes
# output Scratch count WARNING : available scratch tapes 2 less then 3
/output:Scratch count \w+ : available scratch tapes (\d+).*/
and push @s, [ scratch,
[ count, GAUGE, $1] ];