Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The death of the SFP-module

This morning I had a surprise when entering the office one of our tape drives was down. leaving us to 1 drive. So first thing I connect to our Backups software and do a "drive up". The drive comes up again. Pffff.... we back on I think, unfortunately 30 min later the drive goes down again this time however I'm unable to pull the drive back up because the the path to the drive is missing. Connent to the Library web interface and get drive status, It says a nice "No light" on it FC interface ! Darn time to get to the data center. Change the Fibre with a brand new since the old had some narrow turns in it, but nothing changes. Next thing a drive reset , nothing. Drive diagnosis, no errors return. Ok so pull out the Fibre and put it in another FC-switch port, Bingo ! Light returns. So yank out the SFP module from the port where the drive was connected to earlier and put in a new one, reconnect the drive to that port, drive logs into the SAN. Back in business.